You Can Become A Certified Mindvalley Holobody & 10X Coach

Mindvalley has been expanding a ton in the past few years. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with all the new things they are putting out… when you have a life outside of Mindvalley. It seems like every time I check in, they are doing something new. For instance, they are now offering a coaching program where they help you become a certified Mindvalley Holobody and 10x coach. Have you heard about it?

To be clear, I’m not signing up to be a Certified Mindvalley Holobody and 10x coach. I haven’t seen the inside of the program. I have no interest in it. As I said in a previous article, my contribution to the world is promoting things like veganism and things that can make you happier.

However, YOU might be passionate about health and fitness and coaching others to better health, and this article is just meant to bring it to your attention as you may not see the Holobody program in any other way. If you are successful, it could change your entire life.

You Come Out From The Holobody Program Different Than Other Health Coaches

According to Mindvalley, their program can help you to become different than 99% of health coaches. It can help you stand out. This is because they teach more updated methods of fitness, nutrition, and mindset. They even teach you how to teach your clients to engage in micro habit formation for optimal results.

They call it a holistic and optimized framework.

I never took the seminar for Holobody to learn more about the program firsthand.

But apparently, this aspect of the coaching program will help you and your clients:

  • Master mind-body practices that help you make transformations in every area of health and fitness.
  • Reprogram the subconscious patterns that keep you from being healthy.
  • Reverse aging and boost healing and recovery in the body.
  • Optimize nutrition and gut health by creating a personalized nutritional game plan.
  • Boost metabolism.
  • Boost productivity.

They say that you are going to come out as a highly paid body transformation coach.


Vishen did say in a video about this program that he thinks health and fitness is the next big business venture.

I can see that more people than ever are thinking about their health since the pandemic. However, the health and fitness industry has always been booming and you will still need to get clients and keep them in order to have a successful coaching program.

Mindvalley Will Help You Find Clients

Apparently, you get your coaching profile put up on Mindvalley’s coaching website, where they claim millions of Mindvalley students will see it.

Moreover, Vishen keeps talking about their artificial intelligence and how it’s matching up people based on various criteria, and it looks like it might help you match up to clients.

In a recent meeting about this coaching program, Rolan did share this map, which makes it easy to see where your clients will most likely be as well as the potential for you to create a thriving business. It’s obvious the world is getting bigger as a whole and health is declining.

Holobody Chart

However, going through the sales page, it seems like everyone who has taken this program has been slightly overweight – if that. I would like to see some real results with obese men and women that crush it after their training.

What You Get With The Holobody Program

There are two options going into this Holobody program. You can choose to just do the Holobody aspect of the program, or you can do that with the 10x program.

10X is a fitness program offered on Mindvalley that focuses on building muscle through fitness and nutrition.

If you choose just the Holobody aspect, which is 4 months long, you get access to things like:

  • 60-90 minute training videos that help you learn, embody, and teach the information, as well as build a successful business based around the Holobody protocol.
  • Weekly group sessions with the creators of Holobody so you can ask questions and keep on track.
  • Technology that helps you keep track of your client’s progress and move them forward.
  • Lifetime support to help you build and maintain your coaching business.

If you add on the 10x program with the Holobody aspect, you get:

  • Trained for an extra 3 months with everything you need to be an expert in 10x.
  • A coaching kit that helps you optimize your coaching business as well as the results of your client.
  • A framework to help you host virtual coaching sessions.
  • A guide that helps you use Mindvalley’s proven strategies and frameworks to help you find clients.
  • You also get to be an affiliate for 10x, with a 50% commission for every sale you make. 10x is sold for $399 on Mindvalley, but I don’t know why you would want to sell that coaching program when you are going to be trying to attract clients of your own.

The Cost Of Mindvalley’s Health Coaching Program

If you just want to take the Holobody Certification Program, then it’s $2,499.

If you want to take the Holobody Certification program AND the 10X Fitness Certification program, then it’s $4,999.

You can pay both of these in installments.

They must really think it’s going to pay off for you as an investment to charge that price.

It looks like they will be providing the tools for you to be a success, but you still would have to do the work, go out and get clients, keep those clients, etc.

Want To Work For Yourself As A Health And Fitness Coach?

I think a lot more people want to work for themselves since the pandemic started. Working for yourself means that you get to set your terms of interaction with others, as well as the hours and energy you put into your job.

If you are ready to go into business for yourself, and if you are interested in health and fitness and would like to be a coach, then you might be interested in becoming a certified Mindvalley Holobody and 10x coach.

If Mindvalley is going to promote you as a Holobody or 10x coach to their audience, that could be a great way to find clients and build up your business. Promotion through a company that big, that can help you find clients in your area with their artificial intelligence system, should get you clients without as much effort as someone who becomes a health and fitness coach and has to create a website, profile, and get their name out there on their own.

Did You Take The Program To Become A Certified Mindvalley Holobody & 10X Coach?

If you took the program, please share your experience in the comments below. It may help someone else decide whether or not they want to sign up for the program.

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